
1use std::{
2    cell::{RefCell, UnsafeCell},
3    sync::Arc,
6use azalea_block::BlockState;
7use azalea_core::{
8    bitset::FixedBitSet,
9    position::{BlockPos, ChunkPos, ChunkSectionBlockPos, ChunkSectionPos},
11use azalea_physics::collision::BlockWithShape;
12use azalea_world::Instance;
13use parking_lot::RwLock;
15use super::{mining::MiningCache, rel_block_pos::RelBlockPos};
17/// An efficient representation of the world used for the pathfinder.
18pub struct CachedWorld {
19    /// The origin that the [`RelBlockPos`] types will be relative to. This is
20    /// for an optimization that reduces the size of the block positions
21    /// that are used by the pathfinder.
22    origin: BlockPos,
24    min_y: i32,
25    world_lock: Arc<RwLock<Instance>>,
27    // we store `PalettedContainer`s instead of `Chunk`s or `Section`s because it doesn't contain
28    // any unnecessary data like heightmaps or biomes.
29    cached_chunks: RefCell<Vec<(ChunkPos, Vec<azalea_world::palette::PalettedContainer>)>>,
30    last_chunk_cache_index: RefCell<Option<usize>>,
32    cached_blocks: UnsafeCell<CachedSections>,
34    cached_mining_costs: UnsafeCell<Box<[(RelBlockPos, f32)]>>,
38pub struct CachedSections {
39    pub last_index: usize,
40    pub second_last_index: usize,
41    pub sections: Vec<CachedSection>,
44impl CachedSections {
45    #[inline]
46    pub fn get_mut(&mut self, pos: ChunkSectionPos) -> Option<&mut CachedSection> {
47        if let Some(last_item) = self.sections.get(self.last_index) {
48            if last_item.pos == pos {
49                return Some(&mut self.sections[self.last_index]);
50            } else if let Some(second_last_item) = self.sections.get(self.second_last_index) {
51                if second_last_item.pos == pos {
52                    return Some(&mut self.sections[self.second_last_index]);
53                }
54            }
55        }
57        let index = self
58            .sections
59            .binary_search_by(|section| section.pos.cmp(&pos))
60            .ok();
62        if let Some(index) = index {
63            self.second_last_index = self.last_index;
64            self.last_index = index;
65            return Some(&mut self.sections[index]);
66        }
67        None
68    }
70    #[inline]
71    pub fn insert(&mut self, section: CachedSection) {
72        // self.sections.push(section);
73        // self.sections.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.pos.cmp(&b.pos));
74        let index = self
75            .sections
76            .binary_search_by(|s| s.pos.cmp(&section.pos))
77            .unwrap_or_else(|e| e);
78        self.sections.insert(index, section);
79    }
82pub struct CachedSection {
83    pub pos: ChunkSectionPos,
84    pub passable_bitset: FixedBitSet<{ 4096_usize.div_ceil(8) }>,
85    pub solid_bitset: FixedBitSet<{ 4096_usize.div_ceil(8) }>,
88impl CachedWorld {
89    pub fn new(world_lock: Arc<RwLock<Instance>>, origin: BlockPos) -> Self {
90        let min_y =;
91        Self {
92            origin,
93            min_y,
94            world_lock,
95            cached_chunks: Default::default(),
96            last_chunk_cache_index: Default::default(),
97            cached_blocks: Default::default(),
98            // this uses about 12mb of memory. it *really* helps though.
99            cached_mining_costs: UnsafeCell::new(
100                vec![(RelBlockPos::new(i16::MAX, i32::MAX, i16::MAX), 0.); 2usize.pow(20)]
101                    .into_boxed_slice(),
102            ),
103        }
104    }
106    // ```
107    // fn get_block_state(&self, pos: BlockPos) -> Option<BlockState> {
108    //     self.with_section(ChunkSectionPos::from(pos), |section| {
109    //         let state = section.get(pos.x as usize, pos.y as usize, pos.z as usize);
110    //         BlockState::try_from(state).unwrap_or(BlockState::AIR)
111    //     })
112    // }
113    // ```
115    fn with_section<T>(
116        &self,
117        section_pos: ChunkSectionPos,
118        f: impl FnOnce(&azalea_world::palette::PalettedContainer) -> T,
119    ) -> Option<T> {
120        if section_pos.y * 16 < self.min_y {
121            // y position is out of bounds
122            return None;
123        }
125        let chunk_pos = ChunkPos::from(section_pos);
126        let section_index =
127            azalea_world::chunk_storage::section_index(section_pos.y * 16, self.min_y) as usize;
129        let mut cached_chunks = self.cached_chunks.borrow_mut();
131        // optimization: avoid doing the iter lookup if the last chunk we looked up is
132        // the same
133        if let Some(last_chunk_cache_index) = *self.last_chunk_cache_index.borrow() {
134            if cached_chunks[last_chunk_cache_index].0 == chunk_pos {
135                // don't bother with the iter lookup
136                let sections = &cached_chunks[last_chunk_cache_index].1;
137                if section_index >= sections.len() {
138                    // y position is out of bounds
139                    return None;
140                };
141                let section: &azalea_world::palette::PalettedContainer = &sections[section_index];
142                return Some(f(section));
143            }
144        }
146        // get section from cache
147        if let Some((chunk_index, sections)) =
148            cached_chunks
149                .iter()
150                .enumerate()
151                .find_map(|(i, (pos, sections))| {
152                    if *pos == chunk_pos {
153                        Some((i, sections))
154                    } else {
155                        None
156                    }
157                })
158        {
159            if section_index >= sections.len() {
160                // y position is out of bounds
161                return None;
162            };
163            *self.last_chunk_cache_index.borrow_mut() = Some(chunk_index);
164            let section: &azalea_world::palette::PalettedContainer = &sections[section_index];
165            return Some(f(section));
166        }
168        let world =;
169        let chunk = world.chunks.get(&chunk_pos)?;
170        let chunk =;
172        let sections: Vec<azalea_world::palette::PalettedContainer> = chunk
173            .sections
174            .iter()
175            .map(|section| section.states.clone())
176            .collect();
178        if section_index >= sections.len() {
179            // y position is out of bounds
180            return None;
181        };
183        let section = &sections[section_index];
184        let r = f(section);
186        // add the sections to the chunk cache
187        cached_chunks.push((chunk_pos, sections));
189        Some(r)
190    }
192    fn calculate_bitsets_for_section(&self, section_pos: ChunkSectionPos) -> Option<CachedSection> {
193        self.with_section(section_pos, |section| {
194            let mut passable_bitset = FixedBitSet::<{ 4096_usize.div_ceil(8) }>::new();
195            let mut solid_bitset = FixedBitSet::<{ 4096_usize.div_ceil(8) }>::new();
196            for i in 0..4096 {
197                let block_state_id = section.get_at_index(i);
198                let block_state = BlockState::try_from(block_state_id).unwrap_or(BlockState::AIR);
199                if is_block_state_passable(block_state) {
200                    passable_bitset.set(i);
201                }
202                if is_block_state_solid(block_state) {
203                    solid_bitset.set(i);
204                }
205            }
206            CachedSection {
207                pos: section_pos,
208                passable_bitset,
209                solid_bitset,
210            }
211        })
212    }
214    pub fn is_block_passable(&self, pos: RelBlockPos) -> bool {
215        self.is_block_pos_passable(pos.apply(self.origin))
216    }
218    fn is_block_pos_passable(&self, pos: BlockPos) -> bool {
219        let (section_pos, section_block_pos) =
220            (ChunkSectionPos::from(pos), ChunkSectionBlockPos::from(pos));
221        let index = u16::from(section_block_pos) as usize;
222        // SAFETY: we're only accessing this from one thread
223        let cached_blocks = unsafe { &mut *self.cached_blocks.get() };
224        if let Some(cached) = cached_blocks.get_mut(section_pos) {
225            return cached.passable_bitset.index(index);
226        }
228        let Some(cached) = self.calculate_bitsets_for_section(section_pos) else {
229            return false;
230        };
231        let passable = cached.passable_bitset.index(index);
232        cached_blocks.insert(cached);
233        passable
234    }
236    pub fn is_block_solid(&self, pos: RelBlockPos) -> bool {
237        self.is_block_pos_solid(pos.apply(self.origin))
238    }
240    fn is_block_pos_solid(&self, pos: BlockPos) -> bool {
241        let (section_pos, section_block_pos) =
242            (ChunkSectionPos::from(pos), ChunkSectionBlockPos::from(pos));
243        let index = u16::from(section_block_pos) as usize;
244        // SAFETY: we're only accessing this from one thread
245        let cached_blocks = unsafe { &mut *self.cached_blocks.get() };
246        if let Some(cached) = cached_blocks.get_mut(section_pos) {
247            return cached.solid_bitset.index(index);
248        }
250        let Some(cached) = self.calculate_bitsets_for_section(section_pos) else {
251            return false;
252        };
253        let solid = cached.solid_bitset.index(index);
254        cached_blocks.insert(cached);
255        solid
256    }
258    /// Returns how much it costs to break this block. Returns 0 if the block is
259    /// already passable.
260    pub fn cost_for_breaking_block(&self, pos: RelBlockPos, mining_cache: &MiningCache) -> f32 {
261        // SAFETY: pathfinding is single-threaded
262        let cached_mining_costs = unsafe { &mut *self.cached_mining_costs.get() };
263        // 20 bits total:
264        // 8 bits for x, 4 bits for y, 8 bits for z
265        let hash_index = ((pos.x as usize & 0xff) << 12)
266            | ((pos.y as usize & 0xf) << 8)
267            | (pos.z as usize & 0xff);
268        debug_assert!(hash_index < 1048576);
269        let &(cached_pos, potential_cost) =
270            unsafe { cached_mining_costs.get_unchecked(hash_index) };
271        if cached_pos == pos {
272            return potential_cost;
273        }
275        let cost = self.uncached_cost_for_breaking_block(pos, mining_cache);
276        unsafe {
277            *cached_mining_costs.get_unchecked_mut(hash_index) = (pos, cost);
278        };
280        cost
281    }
283    fn uncached_cost_for_breaking_block(
284        &self,
285        pos: RelBlockPos,
286        mining_cache: &MiningCache,
287    ) -> f32 {
288        if self.is_block_passable(pos) {
289            // if the block is passable then it doesn't need to be broken
290            return 0.;
291        }
293        let pos = pos.apply(self.origin);
295        let (section_pos, section_block_pos) =
296            (ChunkSectionPos::from(pos), ChunkSectionBlockPos::from(pos));
298        // we use this as an optimization to avoid getting the section again if the
299        // block is in the same section
300        let up_is_in_same_section = section_block_pos.y != 15;
301        let north_is_in_same_section = section_block_pos.z != 0;
302        let east_is_in_same_section = section_block_pos.x != 15;
303        let south_is_in_same_section = section_block_pos.z != 15;
304        let west_is_in_same_section = section_block_pos.x != 0;
306        let Some(mining_cost) = self.with_section(section_pos, |section| {
307            let block_state =
308                BlockState::try_from(section.get_at_index(u16::from(section_block_pos) as usize))
309                    .unwrap_or_default();
310            let mining_cost = mining_cache.cost_for(block_state);
312            if mining_cost == f32::INFINITY {
313                // the block is unbreakable
314                return f32::INFINITY;
315            }
317            // if there's a falling block or liquid above this block, abort
318            if up_is_in_same_section {
319                let up_block = BlockState::try_from(
320                    section.get_at_index(u16::from(section_block_pos.up(1)) as usize),
321                )
322                .unwrap_or_default();
323                if mining_cache.is_liquid(up_block) || mining_cache.is_falling_block(up_block) {
324                    return f32::INFINITY;
325                }
326            }
328            // if there's a liquid to the north of this block, abort
329            if north_is_in_same_section {
330                let north_block = BlockState::try_from(
331                    section.get_at_index(u16::from(section_block_pos.north(1)) as usize),
332                )
333                .unwrap_or_default();
334                if mining_cache.is_liquid(north_block) {
335                    return f32::INFINITY;
336                }
337            }
339            // liquid to the east
340            if east_is_in_same_section {
341                let east_block = BlockState::try_from(
342                    section.get_at_index(u16::from(section_block_pos.east(1)) as usize),
343                )
344                .unwrap_or_default();
345                if mining_cache.is_liquid(east_block) {
346                    return f32::INFINITY;
347                }
348            }
350            // liquid to the south
351            if south_is_in_same_section {
352                let south_block = BlockState::try_from(
353                    section.get_at_index(u16::from(section_block_pos.south(1)) as usize),
354                )
355                .unwrap_or_default();
356                if mining_cache.is_liquid(south_block) {
357                    return f32::INFINITY;
358                }
359            }
361            // liquid to the west
362            if west_is_in_same_section {
363                let west_block = BlockState::try_from(
364                    section.get_at_index(u16::from(section_block_pos.west(1)) as usize),
365                )
366                .unwrap_or_default();
367                if mining_cache.is_liquid(west_block) {
368                    return f32::INFINITY;
369                }
370            }
372            // the block is probably safe to break, we'll have to check the adjacent blocks
373            // that weren't in the same section next though
374            mining_cost
375        }) else {
376            // the chunk isn't loaded
377            let cost = if self.is_block_pos_solid(pos) {
378                // assume it's unbreakable if it's solid and out of render distance
379                f32::INFINITY
380            } else {
381                0.
382            };
383            return cost;
384        };
386        if mining_cost == f32::INFINITY {
387            // the block is unbreakable
388            return f32::INFINITY;
389        }
391        let check_should_avoid_this_block = |pos: BlockPos, check: &dyn Fn(BlockState) -> bool| {
392            let block_state = self
393                .with_section(ChunkSectionPos::from(pos), |section| {
394                    BlockState::try_from(
395                        section.get_at_index(u16::from(ChunkSectionBlockPos::from(pos)) as usize),
396                    )
397                    .unwrap_or_default()
398                })
399                .unwrap_or_default();
400            check(block_state)
401        };
403        // check the adjacent blocks that weren't in the same section
404        if !up_is_in_same_section
405            && check_should_avoid_this_block(pos.up(1), &|b| {
406                mining_cache.is_liquid(b) || mining_cache.is_falling_block(b)
407            })
408        {
409            return f32::INFINITY;
410        }
411        if !north_is_in_same_section
412            && check_should_avoid_this_block(pos.north(1), &|b| mining_cache.is_liquid(b))
413        {
414            return f32::INFINITY;
415        }
416        if !east_is_in_same_section
417            && check_should_avoid_this_block(pos.east(1), &|b| mining_cache.is_liquid(b))
418        {
419            return f32::INFINITY;
420        }
421        if !south_is_in_same_section
422            && check_should_avoid_this_block(pos.south(1), &|b| mining_cache.is_liquid(b))
423        {
424            return f32::INFINITY;
425        }
426        if !west_is_in_same_section
427            && check_should_avoid_this_block(pos.west(1), &|b| mining_cache.is_liquid(b))
428        {
429            return f32::INFINITY;
430        }
432        mining_cost
433    }
435    /// Whether this block and the block above are passable
436    pub fn is_passable(&self, pos: RelBlockPos) -> bool {
437        self.is_passable_at_block_pos(pos.apply(self.origin))
438    }
439    fn is_passable_at_block_pos(&self, pos: BlockPos) -> bool {
440        self.is_block_pos_passable(pos) && self.is_block_pos_passable(pos.up(1))
441    }
443    pub fn cost_for_passing(&self, pos: RelBlockPos, mining_cache: &MiningCache) -> f32 {
444        self.cost_for_breaking_block(pos, mining_cache)
445            + self.cost_for_breaking_block(pos.up(1), mining_cache)
446    }
448    /// Whether we can stand in this position. Checks if the block below is
449    /// solid, and that the two blocks above that are passable.
450    pub fn is_standable(&self, pos: RelBlockPos) -> bool {
451        self.is_standable_at_block_pos(pos.apply(self.origin))
452    }
453    fn is_standable_at_block_pos(&self, pos: BlockPos) -> bool {
454        self.is_block_pos_solid(pos.down(1)) && self.is_passable_at_block_pos(pos)
455    }
457    pub fn cost_for_standing(&self, pos: RelBlockPos, mining_cache: &MiningCache) -> f32 {
458        if !self.is_block_solid(pos.down(1)) {
459            return f32::INFINITY;
460        }
461        self.cost_for_passing(pos, mining_cache)
462    }
464    /// Get the amount of air blocks until the next solid block below this one.
465    pub fn fall_distance(&self, pos: RelBlockPos) -> u32 {
466        let mut distance = 0;
467        let mut current_pos = pos.down(1);
468        while self.is_block_passable(current_pos) {
469            distance += 1;
470            current_pos = current_pos.down(1);
472            if current_pos.y < self.min_y {
473                return u32::MAX;
474            }
475        }
476        distance
477    }
480/// whether this block is passable
481pub fn is_block_state_passable(block: BlockState) -> bool {
482    // i already tried optimizing this by having it cache in an IntMap/FxHashMap but
483    // it wasn't measurably faster
485    if block.is_air() {
486        // fast path
487        return true;
488    }
489    if !block.is_collision_shape_empty() {
490        return false;
491    }
492    let registry_block = azalea_registry::Block::from(block);
493    if registry_block == azalea_registry::Block::Water {
494        return false;
495    }
496    if block
497        .property::<azalea_block::properties::Waterlogged>()
498        .unwrap_or_default()
499    {
500        return false;
501    }
502    if registry_block == azalea_registry::Block::Lava {
503        return false;
504    }
505    // block.waterlogged currently doesn't account for seagrass and some other water
506    // blocks
507    if block == azalea_registry::Block::Seagrass.into() {
508        return false;
509    }
511    // don't walk into fire
512    if registry_block == azalea_registry::Block::Fire
513        || registry_block == azalea_registry::Block::SoulFire
514    {
515        return false;
516    }
518    true
521/// whether this block has a solid hitbox (i.e. we can stand on it)
522pub fn is_block_state_solid(block: BlockState) -> bool {
523    if block.is_air() {
524        // fast path
525        return false;
526    }
527    block.is_collision_shape_full()
531mod tests {
533    use azalea_world::{Chunk, ChunkStorage, PartialInstance};
535    use super::*;
537    #[test]
538    fn test_is_passable() {
539        let mut partial_world = PartialInstance::default();
540        let mut world = ChunkStorage::default();
542        partial_world
543            .chunks
544            .set(&ChunkPos { x: 0, z: 0 }, Some(Chunk::default()), &mut world);
545        partial_world.chunks.set_block_state(
546            &BlockPos::new(0, 0, 0),
547            azalea_registry::Block::Stone.into(),
548            &world,
549        );
550        partial_world
551            .chunks
552            .set_block_state(&BlockPos::new(0, 1, 0), BlockState::AIR, &world);
554        let ctx = CachedWorld::new(Arc::new(RwLock::new(world.into())), BlockPos::default());
555        assert!(!ctx.is_block_pos_passable(BlockPos::new(0, 0, 0)));
556        assert!(ctx.is_block_pos_passable(BlockPos::new(0, 1, 0),));
557    }
559    #[test]
560    fn test_is_solid() {
561        let mut partial_world = PartialInstance::default();
562        let mut world = ChunkStorage::default();
563        partial_world
564            .chunks
565            .set(&ChunkPos { x: 0, z: 0 }, Some(Chunk::default()), &mut world);
566        partial_world.chunks.set_block_state(
567            &BlockPos::new(0, 0, 0),
568            azalea_registry::Block::Stone.into(),
569            &world,
570        );
571        partial_world
572            .chunks
573            .set_block_state(&BlockPos::new(0, 1, 0), BlockState::AIR, &world);
575        let ctx = CachedWorld::new(Arc::new(RwLock::new(world.into())), BlockPos::default());
576        assert!(ctx.is_block_pos_solid(BlockPos::new(0, 0, 0)));
577        assert!(!ctx.is_block_pos_solid(BlockPos::new(0, 1, 0)));
578    }
580    #[test]
581    fn test_is_standable() {
582        let mut partial_world = PartialInstance::default();
583        let mut world = ChunkStorage::default();
584        partial_world
585            .chunks
586            .set(&ChunkPos { x: 0, z: 0 }, Some(Chunk::default()), &mut world);
587        partial_world.chunks.set_block_state(
588            &BlockPos::new(0, 0, 0),
589            azalea_registry::Block::Stone.into(),
590            &world,
591        );
592        partial_world
593            .chunks
594            .set_block_state(&BlockPos::new(0, 1, 0), BlockState::AIR, &world);
595        partial_world
596            .chunks
597            .set_block_state(&BlockPos::new(0, 2, 0), BlockState::AIR, &world);
598        partial_world
599            .chunks
600            .set_block_state(&BlockPos::new(0, 3, 0), BlockState::AIR, &world);
602        let ctx = CachedWorld::new(Arc::new(RwLock::new(world.into())), BlockPos::default());
603        assert!(ctx.is_standable_at_block_pos(BlockPos::new(0, 1, 0)));
604        assert!(!ctx.is_standable_at_block_pos(BlockPos::new(0, 0, 0)));
605        assert!(!ctx.is_standable_at_block_pos(BlockPos::new(0, 2, 0)));
606    }