1use std::sync::Arc;
3use bevy_ecs::{
4 component::Component,
5 entity::Entity,
6 query::QueryData,
7 query::{QueryFilter, ROQueryItem},
8 world::World,
10use parking_lot::Mutex;
12use crate::Client;
14impl Client {
15 /// A convenience function for getting components of our player's entity.
16 ///
17 /// # Examples
18 /// ```
19 /// # use azalea_world::InstanceName;
20 /// # fn example(mut client: azalea_client::Client) {
21 /// let is_logged_in = client
22 /// .query::<Option<&InstanceName>>(&mut client.ecs.lock())
23 /// .is_some();
24 /// # }
25 /// ```
26 pub fn query<'w, D: QueryData>(&self, ecs: &'w mut World) -> D::Item<'w> {
27 ecs.query::<D>()
28 .get_mut(ecs, self.entity)
29 .unwrap_or_else(|_| {
30 panic!(
31 "Our client is missing a required component {:?}",
32 std::any::type_name::<D>()
33 )
34 })
35 }
37 /// Return a lightweight [`Entity`] for the entity that matches the given
38 /// predicate function.
39 ///
40 /// You can then use [`Self::entity_component`] to get components from this
41 /// entity.
42 ///
43 /// # Example
44 /// Note that this will very likely change in the future.
45 /// ```
46 /// use azalea_client::{Client, GameProfileComponent};
47 /// use bevy_ecs::query::With;
48 /// use azalea_entity::{Position, metadata::Player};
49 ///
50 /// # fn example(mut bot: Client, sender_name: String) {
51 /// let entity = bot.entity_by::<With<Player>, (&GameProfileComponent,)>(
52 /// |(profile,): &(&GameProfileComponent,)| == sender_name,
53 /// );
54 /// if let Some(entity) = entity {
55 /// let position = bot.entity_component::<Position>(entity);
56 /// // ...
57 /// }
58 /// # }
59 /// ```
60 ///
61 /// [`Entity`]: bevy_ecs::entity::Entity
62 pub fn entity_by<F: QueryFilter, Q: QueryData>(
63 &mut self,
64 predicate: impl EntityPredicate<Q, F>,
65 ) -> Option<Entity> {
66 predicate.find(self.ecs.clone())
67 }
69 /// Get a component from an entity. Note that this will return an owned type
70 /// (i.e. not a reference) so it may be expensive for larger types.
71 ///
72 /// If you're trying to get a component for this client, use
73 /// [`Self::component`].
74 pub fn entity_component<Q: Component + Clone>(&mut self, entity: Entity) -> Q {
75 let mut ecs = self.ecs.lock();
76 let mut q = ecs.query::<&Q>();
77 let components = q.get(&ecs, entity).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
78 panic!(
79 "Entity is missing a required component {:?}",
80 std::any::type_name::<Q>()
81 )
82 });
83 components.clone()
84 }
86 /// Get a component from an entity, if it exists. This is similar to
87 /// [`Self::entity_component`] but returns an `Option` instead of panicking
88 /// if the component isn't present.
89 pub fn get_entity_component<Q: Component + Clone>(&mut self, entity: Entity) -> Option<Q> {
90 let mut ecs = self.ecs.lock();
91 let mut q = ecs.query::<&Q>();
92 let components = q.get(&ecs, entity).ok();
93 components.cloned()
94 }
97pub trait EntityPredicate<Q: QueryData, Filter: QueryFilter> {
98 fn find(&self, ecs_lock: Arc<Mutex<World>>) -> Option<Entity>;
100impl<F, Q, Filter> EntityPredicate<Q, Filter> for F
102 F: Fn(&ROQueryItem<Q>) -> bool,
103 Q: QueryData,
104 Filter: QueryFilter,
106 fn find(&self, ecs_lock: Arc<Mutex<World>>) -> Option<Entity> {
107 let mut ecs = ecs_lock.lock();
108 let mut query = ecs.query_filtered::<(Entity, Q), Filter>();
109 query.iter(&ecs).find(|(_, q)| (self)(q)).map(|(e, _)| e)
110 }
113// impl<'a, F, Q1, Q2> EntityPredicate<'a, (Q1, Q2)> for F
114// where
115// F: Fn(&<Q1 as WorldQuery>::Item<'_>, &<Q2 as WorldQuery>::Item<'_>) ->
116// bool, Q1: QueryFilter,
117// Q2: QueryFilter,
118// {
119// fn find(&self, ecs: &mut Ecs) -> Option<Entity> {
120// // (self)(query)
121// let mut query = ecs.query_filtered::<(Entity, Q1, Q2), ()>();
122// let entity = query
123// .iter(ecs)
124// .find(|(_, q1, q2)| (self)(q1, q2))
125// .map(|(e, _, _)| e);
127// entity
128// }
129// }