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// How entity updates are processed (to avoid issues with shared worlds)
// - each bot contains a map of { entity id: updates received }
// - the shared world also contains a canonical "true" updates received for each
// entity
// - when a client loads an entity, its "updates received" is set to the same as
// the global "updates received"
// - when the shared world sees an entity for the first time, the "updates
// received" is set to 1.
// - clients can force the shared "updates received" to 0 to make it so certain
// entities (i.e. other bots in our swarm) don't get confused and updated by
// other bots
// - when a client gets an update to an entity, we check if our "updates
// received" is the same as the shared world's "updates received": if it is,
// then process the update and increment the client's and shared world's
// "updates received" if not, then we simply increment our local "updates
// received" and do nothing else
use std::sync::Arc;
use azalea_world::{MinecraftEntityId, PartialInstance};
use bevy_ecs::{
prelude::{Component, Entity},
system::{EntityCommand, Query},
world::{EntityWorldMut, World},
use derive_more::{Deref, DerefMut};
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use tracing::warn;
use crate::LocalEntity;
/// An [`EntityCommand`] that applies a "relative update" to an entity, which
/// means this update won't be run multiple times by different clients in the
/// same world.
/// This is used to avoid a bug where when there's multiple clients in the same
/// world and an entity sends a relative move packet to all clients, its
/// position gets desynced since the relative move is applied multiple times.
/// Don't use this unless you actually got an entity update packet that all
/// other clients within render distance will get too. You usually don't need
/// this when the change isn't relative either.
pub struct RelativeEntityUpdate {
pub partial_world: Arc<RwLock<PartialInstance>>,
// a function that takes the entity and updates it
pub update: Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut EntityWorldMut) + Send + Sync>,
/// A component that counts the number of times this entity has been modified.
/// This is used for making sure two clients don't do the same relative update
/// on an entity.
/// If an entity is local (i.e. it's a client/LocalEntity), this component
/// should NOT be present in the entity.
#[derive(Component, Debug, Deref, DerefMut)]
pub struct UpdatesReceived(u32);
impl EntityCommand for RelativeEntityUpdate {
fn apply(self, entity: Entity, world: &mut World) {
let partial_entity_infos = &mut self.partial_world.write().entity_infos;
let mut entity_mut = world.entity_mut(entity);
if Some(entity) == partial_entity_infos.owner_entity {
// if the entity owns this partial world, it's always allowed to update itself
(self.update)(&mut entity_mut);
let entity_id = *entity_mut.get::<MinecraftEntityId>().unwrap();
if entity_mut.contains::<LocalEntity>() {
// a client tried to update another client, which isn't allowed
let this_client_updates_received = partial_entity_infos
let can_update = if let Some(updates_received) = entity_mut.get::<UpdatesReceived>() {
this_client_updates_received.unwrap_or(1) == **updates_received
} else {
// no UpdatesReceived means the entity was just spawned
if can_update {
let new_updates_received = this_client_updates_received.unwrap_or(0) + 1;
.insert(entity_id, new_updates_received);
let mut entity = world.entity_mut(entity);
(self.update)(&mut entity);
/// The [`UpdatesReceived`] component should never be on [`LocalEntity`]
/// entities. This warns if an entity has both components.
pub fn debug_detect_updates_received_on_local_entities(
query: Query<Entity, (With<LocalEntity>, With<UpdatesReceived>)>,
) {
for entity in &query {
"Entity {:?} has both LocalEntity and UpdatesReceived",