Expand description
The data sent to the client in the ClientboundRegistryDataPacket
This module contains the structures used to represent the registry sent to the client upon login. This contains a lot of information about the game, including the types of chat messages, dimensions, and biomes.
- Additions
Sound - Biome
Effects - The effects of a biome.
- Biome
Mood Sound - Biome
Music - The music of the biome.
- Biome
Particle - Biome particles.
- Chat
Type Data - Data about a chat message.
- Chat
Type Element - Data about a kind of chat message
- Chat
Type Style - The style of a chat message.
- Damage
Type Element - Dimension
Type Element - Dimension attributes.
- Monster
Spawn Light Level Values - The min and max light levels at which monsters can spawn.
- Registry
Holder - The base of the registry.
- Registry
Type - A collection of values for a certain type of registry data.
- Trim
Material Element - Trim
Pattern Element - World
Type Element - Biome attributes.
- Biome
Precipitation - The precipitation of a biome.
- Monster
Spawn Light Level - The light level at which monsters can spawn.